Apple News

Tim Cook and Eddy Cue spotted hobnobbing at Sun Valley


Apple CEO Tim Cook has made his annual pilgrimage to Sun Valley, Idaho, to gather with other leaders who run the world’s tech and media empires.

This is the fourth year in a row that Cook has made an appearance at the exclusive conference, which attracts dozens of industry bigwigs like Disney CEO Bob Iger, Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, CBS CEO Leslie Moonves, HP CEO Meg Whitman and Facbook’s Mark Zuckerberg.

Per usual, Tim showed up at the event with Apple media boss Eddy Cue. They’ve already been spotted talking deals with some very powerful people.

Cook and Cue are usually inseparable during the event, but this morning Tim was spotted walking to breakfast by himself. A full 15 minutes later, Eddy made his way to the event.

The Sun Valley conference kicked off Tuesday and will run through Saturday, giving tech’s power players plenty of time to chat about potential deals and trends they can take advantage of.

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